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Hi art friends! Here my attempt at my second art blog. ( I think BLOG is a silly word.) So today we are going to be working with a painting from the National Gallery In London, England. Then, we are going to draw a picture of our very own ideas of what dragons look like. Now, I know that in some of my classes we have drawn dragons, so for some of you, you can either build on the knowledge you already have, or try something totally different. Let's look at our video inspiration.

So, that was cool, who doesn't like a talking horse!! Now let's think about dragons and their bodies. Close your eyes and imagine a dragon. Does it have horns , scales, wings, one tail, two tails, three heads? You are the creator of your own dragon.

Now, some of you can jump right in and start to draw but I found that watching other artists work gives me great ideas. So if you want to watch a fun how to draw video first then here it is.

So, now these are the things I want you to think about as you draw.

1. What is your dragon doing? Is it standing, flying, eating a pizza?

2. Make your dragon have a body covering or a texture, is your dragon bumpy, smooth, scaly?

3. Where is your dragon, what is the setting? On a mountain, in a cave, near a castle or maybe in space?

Remember this is your creation, have fun and explore your imagination!

So, here is my idea for a dragon. It is outside and eating a pizza. Send me a picture of your dragon, I can't wait to see what you create!!!

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My First blog EVER!!!!!!

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1 Comment

May 13, 2020

Mrs divine your dragon is awsome 😊😊😉😀😁😃😎

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